Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Talking talking talking 'bout...

Police officers love to talk and that's a fact. Walking into the station this morning, I was greeted by the Lieutenant, and two other officers in a conversation about what they do with mice after they catch them... because their kids are against them killing pests. Later, the conversation turned to hockey, and stories about the force's hockey team, and who played hockey, and who was insane and who was crazy... and then got into funny stories about retired officers.

You can learn a lot about people who like to talk and talk and talk. You learn about their personality, their family life, what kind of person they are. It's all private and yet none of it is, because all these guys are friends. When you work at a dangerous job, you learn to be friends with your co-workers real fast. You not only want them to have your backs, but you're gonna want company during those slow days where nothing is happening... and as a college student with friends, I can tell you that you talk to your friends. All the time. About pretty much everything.

And another thing. Police officers swear a lot. Not all of them, but the Lieutenant does. Everything is always "fucking shit" and "goddamn" and it's all woven into his sentences, because hey, his job is to protect, he deserves leeway on his bad language. But he NEVER EVER talks like that around his kids. Only when he's on the job.

AND THE STEREOTYPE IS TRUE! Well... less about the donuts, and more about the coffee. The officers and Lieutenant I work with have so much coffee, it's kind of unreal. But then again, they work very hard all the time, and are very tired. The coffee is to keep them awake. Makes sense now, doesn't it. (I find the officers eating pizza more than any other thing to tell you the truth).

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